Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Paramedic practical

Well I have just returned from the one of the most stressful set of assessments that you would want to sit during an afternoon. There were two, one was a medical and the other a cardiac arrest scenario. I completed both and have found out that I have PASSED!!!! So now I have to attend an interview with the Training Manager, Training Officer and Hospital Consultant to see if I am a suitable candidate to complete the paramedic training course.

Fingers crossed!

YIPEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! :D


Digitalkatie said...


DD said...

Well done, thoroughly deserved.

Merys said...

so that would explain why you couldn't sleep. Wish me luck mate - I got my 2 paramedic uni interviews looming on the horizon!

scotsmedicman said...

Merys, Yeah I guess so, although horlicks did help a bit. I hope you are as lucky as me, just remember.... take it slowly and relax.

Good luck

Merys said...

When you say 'take it slowly and relax', what exactly do you mean?? You've got me all worried now, and I haven't even written my essay part yet! HELP!

scotsmedicman said...


I mean take a deep breath read everything / listen to everything and relax there should be no "rush" you have a time scale, you must know your stuff, so relax.

Hey it worked for me, I just did what I had to do and now I have a bloody interview in Feb!

Merys said...

can you drop me an email please?? bloodystudents@hotmail.co.uk

Druss said...

congrats knew you could do it. you'll love the course, ok you'll probably like it, well ok you get fed for six weeks for free. let me know if i can be of help. :-)

Nursie999 said...

You know my feeling on this subject : - D

Horlicks is like sweet soup and i have decided it is horrible and i don like it and it doesnt work.


scotsmedicman said...

Druss, your number is set on my speed dial, trust me you will be fed up of hearing from me!